Women's Bible Study

August 15


Devotion, Prayer

Craft, Snack

Sunday Services

Sunday School is now paused for the summer and will resume in September.

Worship Service 10:15

Worship Services are outdoors, in the church front yard,  June–August. 

In the event of rain, the service will be indoors.

Join us online or in person

You can attend our services online, either on Facebook or YouTube. To connect to our service on Facebook, link here.  To connect on YouTube, link here.

Teaching, Worship, Community, and Prayer

The Sounds of Music with Bible Be's

August 13, 11:00

Come share your musical talent with Bible Be's

Bible Be's is for adults age 50 and older

Valley Baptist Church | 860 Saint Croix Trail South, Lakeland MN 55043 US | 651-436-5278


August 5-9, 2024
5:00 - Meal

5:30-8:00 p.m. -  Activities
Valley Baptist Church, Lakeland, MN
WHO: Participants: Preschool students through students entering 6th grade in the fall. Preschoolers must be 3 years old and 
potty-trained by the start of VBS (August 5, 2024).

Join us for VBS 2024: BREAKER ROCK BEACH, where we will learn about God's rock-solid truth in

a world of shifting sands.

Kids will be challenged during our week together, as they discover that truth comes from God,

God's plan is best, everyone needs Jesus.

Jesus is the only way, and that we can speak the truth in love.
Every day is an adventure at Breaker Rock Beach! All ages will start their day at the Worship Rally at Breaker Rock Beach. Kids will go with crew leaders to age-appropriate Bible studies at Sandcastle Cove, learn great songs at Orca Music, create fun crafts at Tide Pool Crafts, and play games at Ship Rec. 
As the crowds come and go and the tides ebb and flow, we will be reminded at Breaker Rock Beach how faith in Christ gives us strength to stand firm against the force of the wind and the waves we face in life! "Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God."

Romans 12:2

This Sunday, July 28 Abram Neumann will be with us to share his ministry, Iglutheca, to homeless people in the Pine Ridge Reservation. 

Our next summer potluck picnic is this Sunday, August 11, right after the Worship Service.  VBC will provide meat, buns, and beverages.  Please bring a salad or a dessert to share.  

Copyright 2013. Valley Baptist Church. All rights reserved.

They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching, and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Acts 2:42

Prayer Meeting

Wednesday Nights 6:30

At Church